Lyric Leigh,
One day you'll get to read this...content and happy right next to your momma..with your family.For now that isn't possible, and one day I hope you understand. I wish I could save you from any hurt you may feel right now. When I saw you again, I had this sudden rush of relief...as if my heart could finally beat again. The smell of your skin, the feel of you in my arms...I didn't think it was real. I couldn't help but cry,but it was a good cry...my little boy was finally in my arms. I didn't think it was possible,but when you looked into my eyes and called me momma,I fell in love with you all over again.I will always be your momma mister...I would fight a thousand wars just to let you know that.The whole time sitting there with you,observing you...you are perfection. You have such personalitly, I am so proud of you little man.You have changed so much since the last time I saw you, you are truely beautiful Lyric. I wish your brother and sisters could've been there...I wish you knew how much the girls miss you and adore you. They ask about you almost everyday..you would love Julian,big brother :).Know that you are loved by so many,youre a very special little boy Lyric.I wanted to soak in every little thing you did, I was sad that every minute went by was a minute closer to saying goodbye to you. I get this extreme amount of pain each time I think about having to leave you. I'm sorry for having to say goodbye...I know it was hard and I wish I didn't have to. I wish I could wake up to you every morning and kiss your face goodnight...to have you safe and secure with me would make my world complete. While you sleep tonight, I imagine you here in bed with my arms wrapped tight around you,making sure you're okay and not afraid. I will never give up on you...to think I might not see your smile again, eats at me every second of the day. Nobody will ever know the feelings I've had for the past two years, it has been a fight and I will not give up on you. We have a very big day coming up in a couple weeks...I want you to know that things will be okay monkey. I will hold my head high and carry you in my chest..